Non-GMO Seedlings Grown by the Organic Method
​We grow all our seedlings & produce by the non-certified Organic Method, using Certified Organic Vermont Compost and Organic plants and seeds whenever available, which is almost always. On occasion organic seed or starts are not available. In that case we try to source both the healthiest and most local option. We never use synthetic chemicals, whether it fertilizer, pesticide, herbicide or fungicide. We do not use any GMO products. Please feel free to ask us if you have any questions.
PRICES (Unless otherwise noted)
6-packs $3.00
Jumbo 6-Packs $3.50
Single 3” Pot $2.50
Single 4” Pot $3.50
Single Large Pot Flowering Tomato Plant $8
Fill a Full Flat ~ Mix & Match $20
in Printable
Varieties that are Available
Organic Non-GMO Hotshot Mustard Mix (21 days) Open-pollinated. Spice up your greens with this flavorful mix! A variety of spicy mustard flavors, colors and shapes. Includes our favorite spicy mustards and some secret ingredients for a signature mix with extreme diversity. Spicy blend of mustards and other favorites.
Dark Red Lolla Rosa OG (30 days) Red-edged, heavily frilled leaves provide loft, texture, and color.
Jericho Romaine Lettuce OG (60 days) Open-pollinated. Summer romaine lettuce bred in Israel’s hot dry climate to stand high temperatures. Can grow dense hefty 2' tall heads of light green sword-shaped upright leaves. Yet it remains crisp, juicy and unusually sweet, most years resisting bolting well into July.
Vates Dwarf Blue Curled Scotch Kale OG (30 days baby, 56 days mature) Open-pollinated. Dense frilly finely curled blue-green leaves on compact upright 12–16" plants stand well, maintain color and resist yellowing in cold and heat. Hardy and productive.
Bobcat (65 days) F-1 hybrid. Determinate. Impeccable looks, disease resistance, 10–13 oz. early-midseason maturity and excellent taste. A massive plant with huge leaves, thick strong stems and big fruit set. $8 large pot
Jet Star Tomato (72 days) Compact Indeterminate F-1 hybrid. Early tomato ripening prolific quantities of cosmetically perfect 7–8 oz. globes with outstanding flavor. Firm fruits almost never scar or crack.
Pink Brandywine (82 days) Open Pollinated Indeterminate Heirloom with potato-leaf foliage. Brandywine can be fussy to grow, has problems with catfacing, early blight disease and sometimes late maturity, but plenty of commercial growers have had success, even in northern New England. Meaty with just the perfect hint of tartness, the oblate beefsteak fruits average 1 lb., ripening throughout the season.
Old German (85 days) Open Pollinated Indeterminate Heirloom. My Favorite Fresh Eating Tomato but doesn’t store well. Golden Streaked Reddish Skin and Interior. Fruits up to 1 ½ pounds! Meaty & Delicious!
Monica Roma Paste (70 days) Heavy yielder of 5-8 oz blocky tomatoes with good internal and external color. Fruits are meaty and good for sauce and salsa. Compact determinate.
Amish Paste (85 days) Open Pollinated Indet. Heirloom. Excellent red thick meaty sauce and canning tomato, heavy yield, good flavor, large 8oz heart-shaped fruit. Larger and better than Roma. Needs room and good nutrition.
Juliet Grape Tomato (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Indet. Plum-shaped fruits come in clusters, each truss bearing 6–8 of the 1–2 oz grapes for an astonishing total of 50–80 glossy red fruits per plant. With an engaging sweetness, they make good stewing tomatoes, excellent salad tomatoes, and, despite their juiciness, a tangy sauce with a diverse complex richness and full sweet tomato flavor. Great for drying, cut them in half, flip out the seeds and dehydrate. The highest yielding most versatile tomato out there–both for greenhouse and field use in all culinary ways.
Honey Bunch Red Grape Tomato (45 days) Indeterminate F-1 hybrid. Luscious over-the-top sweetness with a honeyed nuance that could be habit-forming. For maximum enjoyment, wait until it ripens fully to a bright red in the field. That’s easy because they are very crack resistant and seemingly hold field quality forever. Bright red 10–14g 1x1-1/2" fruits, the size of cherries, but the shape of grapes. And they are oh so early!
Blush Tiger Grape Tomato (70 days) Open-pollinated. Indeterminate Unique coloring and full, balanced sweetness 2" elongated fruit with their deep pink stripes that contrast with a golden yellow background. Heavy yields are borne on vigorous indeterminate vines that protect fruit well.
Peacevine Cherry Tomato (78 days) Open-pollinated. Rampant Indeterminate. Selected by Peace Seeds from Sweet 100 cherry tomato and almost identical in fruit size and growth habit. Bears gazillions of sweet clusters each with 8 or so 1" fruits of “wonderful sweet/tart rich flavor.”
Sun Gold Cherry Tomato (57 days) F-1 hybrid. Indeterminate. To quote one customer, “Without these little babies, there’s no summer.” A perfect combination of deep sweetness with a hint of acid tartness, we are drawn to Sun Gold like candy. Small fruits, borne in prolific clusters, ripen very early to a rich apricot color and keep producing till frost. Very prone to split so pick early when rains are forecast. Brix 8.
Swallow Eggplant (51 days) F-1 hybrid. Don’t believe you can grow eggplant in this cold part of the world? Swallow could make you a believer because it is early, producing glossy purple-black tender fruit of the elongated (1-3/4x7") Asian type without the bitterness often associated with larger eggplants. Non-staking.
Galine Eggplant (72 days) F-1 hybrid. A classic early bell-shaped Italian-style eggplant that sets fruit and produces early and dependably in the North. “Mild with a pudding-like texture when cooked,” larger fruit, averaging about 1 lb each.
Tendergreen Broccoli (67 days) F-1 hybrid. Early with a 6–7" semi-domed head, though not stalwart in extreme heat. The medium-large beads do a good job of shedding water. Pleasing blue-green color, tender and delicious flavor. Modest 2–3" (occasionally 4") side shoots follow.
Green King Broccoli (85 days) F-1 hybrid. Exceptional tenderness and consistent yield of large high-quality 8" heads. Side shoots are big but not plentiful. Green King stands heat well.
Arcadia Broccoli (94 days) F-1 hybrid. Arcadia’s gently mounded dome-shaped frosty bluish-green heads of very refined small beads are consistently marketable and hold a long time. Big and rugged, Arcadia stands up not just to heat, but also to rot, mildew and cold stress. A copious producer of robust side shoots.
Snow Crown Cauliflower (70 days) F-1 hybrid. Dependable producer of uniform 6–7" heads.
Golden Acre Cabbage (62 days) Open-pollinated. Heads average 3–5 lb. Short stems with sparse wrapper leaves and medium-sized core keep it compact. Home gardeners esteem its excellent flavor, particularly in the sweet tender hearts. Grey-green head with white interior. Not long standing.
Mammoth Red Rock Cabbage (100 days) Open-pollinated. A large late storage cabbage with firm flattened round 5–8 lb heads, 8–10" across, red-purple to the core, good keeper, crisp sweet taste, goes back to 1889.
Tribute Cabbage (103 days) F-1 hybrid. Amazingly beautiful enormous round heads weighing 12.5 lb each with huge wrapper leaves that provide perfect ground cover: no weeds possible! Very good flavor for such a big cabbage. Fully ripe around Oct. 1 from a July 10 transplanting. Give this champ some space.
Bartolo Cabbage (115 days) F-1 hybrid. Excellent hybrid storage cabbage that will last until May. Sits high off the ground with large hard round 4–8 lb dark green heads, well protected with waxy thick serrated wrapper leaves. Very high-yielding and a beautiful plant in our trials, 90% marketable heads. Robust peppery flavor.
Gustus Brussel Sprouts (99 days) F-1 hybrid. medium-sized, slightly oval, remarkably uniform, very tasty.
King of the North Sweet Pepper (70 days) Open-pollinated. A good choice for those who want early marketable blocky peppers. Prone to blossom-drop in heat.
Revolution Sweet Pepper (72 days) F-1 hybrid. Revolution peppers have revolutionized peppers. The best red bell pepper. Juicy and delicious, it boasts the stoutest square walls imaginable. Superb yields of nice hefty thick-walled fruits, some in excess of l lb. No more thin-walled peppers!
Anaheim Hot Pepper (78 days) Open-pollinated. Also known as California Chile and Chile Verde. Cultivated for canning in a factory near Anaheim around 1900. Anaheim is the pepper typically used for chiles rellenos. 7" long fruits tapering to a point turn from dark-green to red at maturity. Pungent, mildly hot. 900-2,500 Scovilles.
Hungarian Hot Wax Hot Pepper (68 days) Open-pollinated. This semi-hot type sets even in cool weather. Smooth waxy yellow 5-1/2x1-1/2" tapering fruits. 700 to 3,000 Scovilles. Good for chiles rellenos.
Jalapeño Hot Pepper (75 days) Open-pollinated. HOT! 3x1" sausage-shaped blunt fruits mature early. Characteristic brown netting appears as fruit ripens from dark green to dark red. 4,000-6,500 Scovilles.
Genovese Basil (70 days) The choice of many connoisseurs for making pesto. Also called Perfumed Basil. Leaves are slightly smaller and finer than Sweet Basil with more aroma and potency.
Sweet Basil OG (70 days) Heavy-yielding. For drying, all-around great eating and pesto.
Red Rubin Basil (78 days) Open-pollinated Highly ornamental dark purplish-bronze foliage.
Spicy Globe Basil (70 days) Open-pollinated. Grows to about 8" and maintains a compact mound of light green leaves and white flowers. Its leaves are small, thin and strongly scented. Great as an ornamental border, in a windowbox, or as an indoor potted plant that can be snipped for culinary use.
Bouquet Dill OG (55 days) Usually grown for dill weed production because its leaves are sweet and refined.
Gigante d’Italia Parsley (70 days) Open-pollinated Heirloom Rich sweet flavor. Flat-leaved. Grows to 1'.
Krausa Parsley OG (75 days) Open-pollinated Very prolific and most winter hardy, stems so sweet they taste almost like a miniature celery: thick, solid, crunchy, yummy. Dense triple-curled medium-green parsley holds its color without developing white or brown spots. Can stand the heat and were still beautiful and juicy in October.
Caribe Cilantro OG (55 days) Lots of excellent eating foliage and great flavor. Longstanding
Bronze Fennel OG (65 days) Delicious thin stemmed slow grower. Striking feathery bronze foliage.
German Thyme Creeping 10–12" mat-forming perennial. Flavorful, calms the nerves and soothes headaches. Bees love its short lavender flower spikes. Hardy Zones 4–9.
Sweet Marjoram (80-95 days) 1' plant with grey-green rounded leaves of enchanting sweet fragrance. Cut often to prevent flowering. Subject to damping off; do not overwater. Likes well-drained dry soil.
Lemon Balm – Open-Pollinated Strongly aromatic herb with lemony fragrance and excellent medicinal and culinary qualities. Shiny green leaves on full plants up to 2' tall. Harvest before flowering. Transplant seedlings 18" apart Attracts bees · Vigorous spreading habit · Perennial
Feverfew Open-pollinated. Strongly scented bushy 18" plant with beautiful daisy-like white blooms good in bouquets. A tea from the chrysanthemum-like leaves was traditionally used as a relaxant. Chewing regularly on a bitter leaf or two is said to prevent migraines. Perennial to Zone 4, maybe 3. Self-sows.
Summer Savory (70 days) OP. Annual grows to 1½' with narrow dark green leaves and lavender flowers.
German Chamomile (75 days) OP Self-seeding annual with tiny daisy-like flowers excellent dried for tea. Plant 4-6" apart. Harvest flower heads regularly for best yields. 24-30" tall · Spreading habit
Munstead Lavender (100 days) English lavender with a compact, bushy habit. Nice range of bloom colors, from pale blue to dark violet. Usually begins flowering in the second year. Hardy in zones 5-8, but can survive Zone 4 winters when mulched or grown in a south-facing location.
New York Early Onion OG (98 days) OP. Superior strain of 2 ½ - 3” Early Yellow Globe selected for storage until early spring. Very firm mild yellow onions may be eaten raw in salads or sandwiches.
Aunt Molly’s Ground Cherry Husk Cherry OG (72 days) OP. Easy to Grow low bush space 18”. Though native to Central America, this heirloom was widely grown in Poland and has been boarded by the Slow Food Ark of Taste. “Sweet and zesty.” Some compare the flavor to pineapple.
Ministro Cucumber (49 days) F-1 Early, flavorful, and high yielding. Produces very dark green, uniform, 8-9”" slicing cucumbers. Small seed cavity. Skin is thinner than the average slicing cucumber. Monoecious
Marketmore 76 Cucumber – (65 days) Open-pollinated. 8-9” dark green fruits stay green and mild-tasting even under heat stress. Multiple disease resistances. Vigorous and highly productive. Long picking season.
Little Leaf H-19 Pickling Cucumber (60 days) Open-pollinated white-spined parthenocarpic cucumber, Little Leaf sets fruit without pollination, so may be left under row cover the entire season. Compact vines with smaller-than-normal leaves save space and leave the mature cucumbers much more visible. Despite the plants’ emaciated appearance, they produce a huge number of cukes, even under stress. The blocky fruits are a little smaller than what we were used to, but they serve a dual purpose, pickling well while also providing good fresh eating.
Blacktail Mountain Watermelon (71 days) Open-pollinated. Early, Hardy & Stores well. Fruits averaging 6–7 lb dark green, almost black, with faint stripes, flesh orange red like a Sugar Baby only with a cleaner more pleasing texture, very sweet, juicy and crunchy.
Delicious 51 Muskmelon (88 days) Open-pollinated for cold climates. Distinctively ribbed with sparse netting, its sweet 3 lb fruits turn yellow and are sometimes soft when ripe. Dark orange interiors with sweet juicy aromatic flesh.
Cocozelle Zucchini (53 days) Open-pollinated. Rich-flavored zucchini ribbed with light green stripes Heirloom
Success PM Straightneck – OP, Prolific, disease-resistant Smooth, uniform and attractive fruit. Harvest at 6-7"
Uncle David’s Dakota Dessert Buttercup Winter Squash (95 days) Open-pollinated. Selected primarily for color, taste, sweetness, and vigor and hardiness in cold weather, but also for thick flesh, small seed cavities and higher productivity. It is one rugged buttercup producing a lot of squash without skipping a beat.
Waltham Butternut Winter Squash (105 days) Open-pollinated. Elegant 9" tan fruits weighing 4–5 lb. Orange dry flesh has a sweet nutty flavor. Excellent keeper. More resistant to squash vine borers than others.
Carnival Acorn Winter Squash (85 days) F-1 hybrid. Semi-Bush acorn type flecked with shades of green, gold produces medium-sized fruits near the crowns for easy picking. Nutty squash aroma delicious with its full-bodied sweetness.
Crackerjack Mix Marigold Early mix of orange, gold, yellow. Large fully doubled flowers on tall 30" plants that rarely need staking.
Carpet of Snow Alyssum Annual. Free-flowering ground cover, blossoming from late spring well into fall. Cascading habit. 4" dwarf white. Widely recognized nectar source for beneficial insects. Transplant seedlings 4–8" apart. Easy to grow, likes sun, tolerates some shade. To extend their season, shear plants halfway back four weeks after bloom. Will tolerate temperatures below 25° 6-packs $3
STRAWBERRIES ~ Bare Root plants $5/bundle of 25
Honeoye Beautifully large to extra large red berry that produces early. It's a leading variety for holding its size during the long harvest season. Winter hardy. Flavor is very good and processes well as long as you pick fruit before it over ripens.
Quinault Great tasting large everbearer